Test article 12

Is in 'Test' category? (Themer):

All posts in the same categories (Themer):

All posts in the same child category (Loops & Logic):

THEMER: Not in "Test" Category
CCS: [if category=test] Is in "Test" Category [else] Not in "Test" Category [/if]
CCS: [if category=grid] Is in "Grid" Category [else] Not in "Grid" Category [/if]

This is the post content…

Illia sinti rem quassimus et opta nos repersp idelenis aut estrum sinctione sequate mporemq uuntemporrum int ut volorpossim expe por raesequia dicia nonsectur maio inum adis eatquaesto cullendis am sam et, volupta eium enias excepudis magnihit omnis rat ut por sam sitatem. Nequi ulliquis ad que nonsendam, in nobis quossiment, coreped magnist et quibus as et audit, coration est lam laciaspere es doloreh enecaborem landandit, optatiatur sit, ut et odignam, si sunte eat.

[folder-gallery fid= »3″ link= »file » columns= »4″ orderby= »rml »]

Posted in

ACF Image from a Taxonomy term

Term of the "Category 2" Taxonomy
Beaver Themer field connection

Custom field (ACF Image) from the term of the "Category 2" Taxonomy
Loops & Logic template

Sample Category 2

ACF Image: